Finance Brown Bag Seminar

The Finance Brown Bag Seminar is an ideal opportunity to present your work and to receive valuable comments and suggestions. You are invited to submit work in progress or a complete paper in all fields of finance and related topics. During the semester, the seminar takes place every Wednesday from 2 to 3 pm in room DZ Bank (HoF E.20).

There are only a few rules for this seminar:

1. Speakers must be from Goethe University and/or the Leibniz Institute SAFE.
2. Presentations are to be held in English.
3. The seminar starts promptly at 2 pm and ends at 3 pm.
4. Questions from participants are allowed at all times.

To schedule a presentation, please choose a date on which so far no presentation has been scheduled, and contact Daniel Liebler (liebler[at]finance.uni-frankfurt[dot]de). If possible, please submit a title and an abstract along with your application. Please note that registration implies a commitment to deliver a presentation! We kindly ask presenters to commit to participating in other sessions as well.

Date Speaker Topic
19 Jun 2024 Fabio Girardi (Goethe University) What Moves Prices? The Dynamics of Fundamentals and Returns
26 Jun 2024 Hannes Halder (Goethe University) tba