Bachelor and Master theses

Am 29.04.2024 wird es von 16:15 – 17:45 Uhr in Raum RuW 4.202 eine Sammelsprechstunde für Bachelorarbeiten geben. Wenn Sie sich an der Professur für eine Bachelorarbeit angemeldet haben, dann nehmen Sie bitte an diesem Termin teil. Während des Termins werden Ihre Fragen beantwortet und der allgemeine Erwartungshorizont an Bachelorarbeiten erläutert.


Bachelor students who want to be supervised by Professor Weichenrieder are kindly asked to apply via QIS-LSF. A meeting with BA students that have been allocated to the chair will be held immediately after the finalization of the allocation process. Allocated students will receive an invitation by email.  

Topics for bachelor theses are possible in the area of (international) tax policy, tax theory, environmental economics, energy economics, public finance, and economic policy in general if there is enough fit to the research and teaching interests of the chair.

BA theses may be written in German or English.

Master students may direct their inquiries to Prof. Weichenrieder by email.

An exemplary bachelor thesis written at the chair of public finance can be found in "Kleiner Akademiker", an online resource provided by the Wiwi Fachschaft. The well-crafted thesis  is by L. Ivanovich: "Tax Aggressiveness in an International Setting":


Please note that, as of October 2022, MA and BA theses need to be handed in in hard copy. See


Tips and formal requirements for theses and term papers
