Publikationen: Forschungsschwerpunkte - Dezentrale Verbundstrukturen im Bankenmarkt

Aktuelle Arbeitspapiere 
Monitoring and its effect on interest income
Dilek Bülbül 

Credit Portfolio Modelling and its Effect on Capital Requirements: Empirical Evidence from German Banks

Dilek Bülbül , Claudia Lambert 
2011, Working Paper 

Determinants of Bank Liquidity Creation: Evidence from Savings Banks
A. Hackethal , Christian Rauch , Sascha Steffen , Marcel Tyrell 
2011, Working Paper

Do Government Owned Banks Trade Market Power for Slack?

A. Hackethal , Michael Koetter , Oliver Vins 
2011, Working Paper 

On the Importance of Prior Relationships in Bank Loans to Retail Customers
Manju Puri , Jörg Rocholl , Sascha Steffen 
2011, Working Paper

On the Use of Soft Information in Bank Lending Decisions
Manju Puri , Jörg Rocholl , Sascha Steffen 
2011, Working Paper 

The Drivers of Active Risk Management in Banking

Dilek Bülbül , Hendrik Hakenes , Claudia Lambert 
2011, Working Paper

The Impact of Public Guarantees on Bank Risk Taking: Evidence from a Natural Experiment
Reint Gropp , André Güttler , Christian Gruendl 
2011, Working Paper

The Success of Bank Mergers: Is there a Difference between Savings and Cooperative Banks?
Dirk Schiereck , Marcel Tyrell , Christoph Auerbach 
2011, Working Paper

Banking market competition, firm dynamics, and aggregate growth

Felix Noth , Michael Koetter , Robert Inklaar 
November 2010, SSRN Felix Noth

Financial Constraints, Bank Lending Behavior, and Financial Stability

Patrick Behr , Lars Norden , Felix Noth 
November 2010, SSRN Felix Noth

Banking competition and corporate risk: Does the risk shifting channel exist?

Felix Noth 
September 2010, SSRN Felix Noth

Financial constraints and the decision to lease – Evidence from German SME
Constantin F. Slotty 
Juli 2009, Working Paper Series: Finance and Accounting, Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main Nr. 205.

Does relationship lending promote growth? Savings banks and SME financing
Constantin F. Slotty 
April 2009, Working Paper

Why do banks provide leasing?

Dilek Bülbül , Felix Noth , Marcel Tyrell 
März 2009, Working Paper

Regional Banks and Economic Development
Hendrik Hakenes , Ru Xie 
Januar 2009, Working Paper

Dissynergies of Mergers among Local Banks
Thomas Bloch 
November 2008, Working Paper Series: Finance and Accounting, Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main Nr. 192.  

How Politics Influence State-owned Banks - the Case of German Savings Banks
Oliver Vins 
November 2008, Working Paper Series: Finance and Accounting, Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main Nr. 191. 

The Effects of Bank Mergers on Small Business Lending in Germany
Thomas Bloch 
November 2008, Working Paper Series: Finance and Accounting, Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main Nr. 193. 

The Effects of Size on Local Banks´ Funding Costs
Thomas Bloch , Oliver Vins 
November 2008, Working Paper Series: Finance and Accounting, Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main

Einzelaufsätze in referierten Zeitschriften
Determinants of trust in banking networks 
Dilek Bülbül 
erscheint in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2012

IT use, productivity, and market power in banking

Felix Noth , Michael Koetter 
erscheint in Journal of Financial Stability, 2012 (Link

Global Retail Lending in the Aftermath of the US Financial Crisis: Distinguishing between Supply and Demand Effects
Manju Puri , Jörg Rocholl , Sascha Steffen 
in Journal of Financial Economics, 2011 (Publiziert in: Journal of Financial Economics)

The Political Debate about Savings Banks
Reinhard H. Schmidt 
in Schmalenbach Business Review 61, 2009, S. 366-392 