Neue Publikation im "Journal of Retailing"

”Capturing Brand and Customer Focus of Retailers"

Die Marketing Abteilung freut sich, über die folgende Publikation im "Journal of Business" Research zu berichten:

Han, Simeng / Reinartz, Werner / Skiera, Bernd (2021), ”Capturing Brand and Customer Focus of Retailers”, Journal of Retailing, forthcoming

Herzlichen Glückwünsch an die Autoren!



This article uses information from two data sources, Compustat and Nexis Uni, and textual analysis to measure and validate the brand focusand customer focus of 109 U.S. listed retailers. The results from an analysis of their 853 earnings calls in 2010 and 2018 outline that on average,both foci increased over time. Although both foci vary substantially, brand focus varies more widely across retailers than their customer focus.Both foci are independent of each other. Specialty retailers have the highest brand focus, and internet & direct marketing retailers have the highestcustomer focus. A positive correlation exists between a retailer’s customer focus and its profitability, but not between a retailer’s brand focus andits profitability. The authors use the results to generate a research agenda that can direct future research in further systematically exploring firms’brand and customer focus.

Keywords: Brand focus; Customer focus; Text analysis; Earnings call; Content analysisIntroductionAs

