Brown Bag Seminar

Thursday, 12:30, Room RuW 4.201

Date PresenterTopic
18.10.2012Eirini TatsiSpatial Nexus in Crime and Unemployment in the Dawn of Crisis: Evidence from Germany
25.10.2012Leonie GerhardsGender Differences in Sympathy Effects on Cooperation and Coordination
01.11.2012Steffen EgerOpinion formation and naive learning in social networks: The case of distrust
08.11.2012Heiner SchumacherUs and Them: On Distributional Preferences in Small and Large Groups
15.11.2012Neele SiemerSelf-image vs. Social Image – The Incentive Effects of Symbolic Awards
29.11.2012Hyejin Ku (University College London)*
06.12.2012Daniel HerboldEffort Incentives and On-the-Job Search: An Alternative Role for Efficiency Wages in Employment Contracts
17.01.2013Ramona GriebThe embeddedness of strategic decisions: The case of CSR in Japan and the USA
24.01.2013Andrej GillWhy Fund managers need to co-invest
31.01.2013Matthias Heinz
07.02.2013Alexander PerliCultural Transmission and the Dynamics of Preferences
14.02.2013Christian Eufinger
*This talk is part of the MM/EI brown bag seminar and takes place on Thursday, 29.11. from 12:30 to 13:30.
