Subject-specific online references

Economics and finance: 

InvestorWordsGlossary with 5.000+ linked entries


politik-digital Ambitious portal with current information on politics and the Internet. Offers live chats with German politicians at irregular intervals
CIA World Fact Book Extensive world almanac, compiled by a truly informed agency
The Fischer World Almanach The well-known world almanach by Fischer. Not too detailed but recommended for quick reference
Governments on the WWW A useful link list of official government websites


Juristisches Internetprojekt SaarbrückenAn extensive juridicial collection. Online exercises for students, link lists, and more  


Philosophie-Seiten A German-language register of philosophers. 
Meta-Encyclopedia of Philosophy Meta search engine encompassing seven encyclopedias
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosopy Peer-reviewed resource with exacting texts, but largely incomplete
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy A ‘dynamic’ encyclopedia of very high standard and detailed entries, but largely incomplete


LeMO Lavishly presented generel reference with a focus on German history since 1871
Perseus Project Meta search engine and portal of sources from antiquity Comprehensive biographical collection with a focus on American figures; available also in print and on television 


Eric Weisstein’s Mathworld A free resource from Wolfram Research built with Mathematica technology. With daily growing contributions from the world's mathematical community
Math Archives Teaching materials, software, internet links organized by mathematical topics. With a searchable database
The Math Forum A good and well-sorted archive. Students and tutors may have mathematical problems solved by 'Dr. Math'
ZahlReich German-language online support forum for pupils
MacTutor History of Mathematics Comprehensive register of the history of mathmatical topics and prominent figures. With detailed searchable articles