Important Offices

Uwe Dettmar

The registration office services all administration processes for enrolled students. All inquiries concerning the enrollment, change of course of studies, Goethe Card, holiday semester and double degrees should be discussed with the registration office.

Studien-Service-Center (SSC)
Campus Westend, PEG Building
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60329 Frankfurt

Opening hours
Monday, Wednesday 2pm-5pm
Tuesday, Thursday 8.30am-12am

The Student Services and International Exchange (SSIX) department offers help for students in all kinds of questions around their studies by providing a comprehensive range of services. The SSIX team has the goal to enhance the students' satisfaction and to ensure successful studies.

The SSIX Info Center is the first contact point for all students of the Faculty. Here they get answers to all questions regarding their studies or the Faculty in general. You are welcome to make your enquiries in person, by telephone  or by e-mail.
The SSIX Info Center is located on the first floor of the RuW building in room 1.203.

Opening hours
Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm
Friday 9am-12pm

Every student of the Goethe University receives a HRZ account and an electronical student card (Goethe card). Both systems work closely together and summarized under the name Integrated Information System of the Goethe University (ilSGUT). Students can pick up their HRZ account together with the goethe card at the student service center.

The corresponding password and tan list are sent via ordinary mail. The Goethe University issues a personal email adress for each student ( To this adress all information around the university and examinations are sent. Please check this email adress regularly! Forwarding incoming emails to another email adress is possible. The password is your HRZ account.

Additionally, the Faculty of Economics and Business issues a second personal email adress ( which is called "wiwi account". This account is needed for lectures and as a login for the pc pools at the RuW building.

The Examination Office is in charge of all tasks regarding the conception, organization and approval of graduate and doctorate examinations. It also provides examination-relevant information and counselling for students. Furthermore, it administrates the students individual credit points under strictest observance of data protection and evaluates the general studying and examination behavior of al students. It is also responsible for the operative implementation of the curricula in the study and examination guidelines.

On the websites of the Examination Office you can fnd all relevant information regarding the study and examination regulations as currently effective, the latest examination dates, test grades, all relevant forms and an overview of the Faculty calendar.

The Examination Office is located on the first floor of the RuW building (law and economics). Entrance via the SSIX-Infocenter.

Phone: +49 (0)69 798 - 7749
Email: pruefungsamt[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de

Opening hours for master students
by telephone: Tuesday 10am-12pm
drop-in: Wednesday 2pm-4pm

In all relevant cases of hardship the Examination Board (Prüfungsausschuss) decides about the outcome of the written proposition. During the lecture period the board meets every second Monday.

The staff of the International Office informs, counsels and guides international students.

International Office
Goethe University
Campus Westend, PEG Building                       
Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60329 Frankfurt

The student advisors at the Faculty of Economics and Business counsel students in all kind of questions concerning the contents and organizations all around their studies.

The office is located on the first floor of the RuW building in room 1.252. Please enter via the SSIX info center.
The Faculty's Student Counselling and Advisory service counsels students in all questions regarding the content, organization and examination questions. It support students in their admission to the degree programs, in structuring their course of study, in the preparation of personal curricula and the development of concentrations of study. It also provides advice on questions regarding choosing a course of study and the professional application of the course of study.

Phone: +49 (0)69 798 - 34602
Email: studienberatung[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de

Opening hours
Wednesday 10am-12am and 2pm-4pm
