Bachelor in Economics and Business Administration

A distinctive feature of the Bachelor in Economics and Business Administration in Frankfurt is the close integration of these two disciplines within a single degree course. You will receive a sound education in both areas, giving you the widest possible choice of professional activities in national or international companies, research institutes, public administration, associations and international organizations.

The broad business and economics orientation of the Frankfurt Bachelor not only provides you with an excellent basis for successfully starting your career, it also allows you to continue expanding and deepening your knowledge in a Master program.

We impart both theoretical and practical professional knowledge, enabling you to recognize economic challenges independently and to develop solutions and alternative courses of action on a scientifically informed basis. 

The primary aims of this demanding and finely tuned curriculum are to impart general methodological competence, i.e. the ability to apply methodological and theoretical principles, and the ability to translate scientific findings into responsible action. In order to achieve this, we offer you a first-class academic environment.

Support and assistance

Furthermore, we support you from the first day you arrive until your preparations for a career.

Learning in small groups and incorporating ethical considerations into economic assessments contribute to your personal development as well as your ability to take responsible action.

The degree program "Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) in Economics and Business Administration" is a full-time study program with a standard duration of six semesters, during which you must earn 180 ECTS credit points (CP).

Orientation phase

The first year of study serves as orientation and offers a first insight into business administration and economics as well as the methodological foundations of the degree. The orientation period, consisting of eight modules, should be completed within one year, and after three semesters at the latest.

Qualification phase

The actual Bachelor examination begins with the qualification phase.

The second year of study serves to deepen knowledge in the core areas of business administration and economics. It consists of six basic modules in the form of lectures, exercises and tutorials as well as two compulsory modules in your chosen area of specialization.

In the third academic year you will deepen your knowledge in your area of specialization by taking elective modules and attend a seminar to prepare you for writing your Bachelor Thesis over a nine-week period.

The standard duration of study including all examinations (including the Bachelor Thesis) is six semesters, with the maximum duration being nine semesters. Once you have passed the Bachelor Examination, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration will award you the academic degree "Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business Administration".

The degree program "Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) in Economics and Business Administration" is a full-time study program with a standard duration of six semesters, during which you must earn 180 ECTS credit points (CP).

Orientation phase

The first year of study serves as orientation and offers a first insight into business administration and economics as well as the methodological foundations of the degree. The orientation period, consisting of eight modules, should be completed within one year, and after three semesters at the latest.

Qualification phase

The actual Bachelor examination begins with the qualification phase.

The second year of study serves to deepen knowledge in the core areas of business administration and economics. It consists of six basic modules in the form of lectures, exercises and tutorials as well as two compulsory modules in your chosen area of specialization.

In the third academic year you will deepen your knowledge in your area of specialization by taking elective modules and attend a seminar to prepare you for writing your Bachelor Thesis over a nine-week period.

The standard duration of study including all examinations (including the Bachelor Thesis) is six semesters, with the maximum duration being nine semesters. Once you have passed the Bachelor Examination, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration will award you the academic degree "Bachelor of Science in Economics and Business Administration".

The aim of a degree program with areas of specialization is for you to develop your personal qualification profile. You can follow your personal interests and inclinations and choose from the following areas:

  • Economics with economic and econometric modules
  • Finance & Accounting with modules from the domains of finance, accounting and auditing
  • Management with modules from the fields of organization, human resources, marketing, operations management and business informatics

You can find more information on the German page here.

Click here for the course overview
