Program Content
Enjoy full freedom of choice in a highly international program!
The Master of Science in Management Science allows students to choose modules according to their preferences. There are no mandatory courses!
Please note that the structure outlined below will be in effect from the winter term 2024/25 onward. Students who started the M.Sc. in International Management in 2023 or before still follow the course structure with five areas of specialization as outlined in the rules and regulations for the M.Sc. in International Management.
The program consists of one elective in Management, one elective in Ethics, 12 elective modules from four fields of concentration, two seminars, and a master's thesis. Usually 6 ECTS are awarded upon completion of a module or seminar. You gain 24 ECTS by completing your master's thesis.
All lectures are taught in English. In addition, students are allowed to take German modules up to 24 ECTS (usually 4 modules).
Students need to take one elective module Management or one Seminar Management. The modules offered focus on the analyses of markets and organizations - corporate strategies, competition policies and regulation are covered as well as corporate innovation, organizational design, human resources and motivation and leadership research.
Apart from increasing your management knowledge, we want you to become responsible leaders and citizens. Thus, all students need to complete one elective module from the field of business ethics. Some of these modules are taught as lectures, some are seminar-like including student presentations.
Elective modules are the backbone of your master's degree. You can choose modules from the four specializations (see below) or selected modules from other master's programs. Which modules you choose is completely up to you and you are not limited to any specialization or field.
Electives are usually lectures taught by our academic staff.
In seminars you deepen your research skills as well as your business knowledge by focussing on a specific research question. Therefore, seminars prepare you for writing your master's thesis.
Project seminars usually combine the teaching styles of a lecture with a seminar. Thus, you can do your own research but are able to concentrate even further on a specific research topic. Upon completion, you receive 12 ECTS.
Your master's thesis is your final scientific project for graduation. By writing your thesis you prove that you can master a research project independently and are able to apply your knowledge and skills aquired during your studies.
Plan of Studies
Fields of Study
You can choose any module from the four fields below. Hence, you may specialize in one or two fields or aquire a broad knowledge in the field of business administration.
About the Department
The Department of Accounting offers an excellent education at a high academic level. The research and teaching topics include not only external accounting and controlling, but also auditing, corporate monitoring, company analysis and corporate taxes. Honorary professors and lecturers from leading auditing firms, such as Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG and PwC ensure an insight into the world of practice. The Department also cooperates with SAP, Deutsche Bank, Daimler, as well as numerous international partner institutions, including Lancaster University, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and the NYU Stern School of Business.
- Ausgewählte Probleme der Rechnungslegung: Bilanzrechtsprechung
- Ausgewählte Probleme der Rechnungslegung: IFRS
- Banking in the New Normal - Understanding the Changes to Bank and Risk Management
- Besteuerung der Unternehmen
- Controlling und Kostenanalyse
- Corporate and Bank Governance: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Applications
- Grundlagen des internationalen Steuerrechts
- Jahresabschluss und Jahresabschlussanalyse
- Leitung und Überwachung der Aktiengesellschaft, praktische Einblicke und internationale Perspektiven der Corporate Governance
- Performance Measurement, Incentives, and Executive Compensation
- Prüfung internationaler Konzernabschlüsse
- Unternehmensberichterstattung: Accounting and Reporting
- Unternehmensüberwachung: Corporate Governance and Auditing
* Not legally binding. You can find an overview of actually offered modules in the online course catalogue.
About the Department
As one of the world's leading financial centers, research and teaching in the area of finance has always been of great importance in Frankfurt. With its 15 chairs, the Department of Finance (located in the House of Finance) offers ideal conditions for outstanding further education in finance. The scope of its research and teaching in finance is unmatched in Germany. Numerous honorary professors and lecturers from the European Central Bank, KfW, Deutsche Börse Group and the large commercial banks ensure an education of relevance to the real world. In addition, the Department also cooperates with other institutions, for example, the Wharton School, a world-renowned business school.
- Advanced Corporate Finance
- Advanced Empirical Asset Pricing
- Advanced Investment and Pension Finance
- Aktuelle Themen in Wertpapierhandel und -abwicklung
- Asset and Liability Management in Insurance Companies
- Banking and Securitization
- Banking Risk Management Frameworks
- Capital Markets and Asset Pricing
- Complex Networks - Methods and Algorithms
- Corporate Finance and Valuation
- Credit Risk Analysis in Structured Finance Applications
- Derivate 2
- Derivatives 3 - Numerical Methods for Derivative Pricing
- Financial Systems
- Hedge Funds and Alternative Investments
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Microstructure of Financial Markets
- Valuation of Financial Assets
* Not legally binding. You can find an overview of actually offered modules in the online course catalogue.
About the Department
The rapid development of new information and communication systems and their spread has entailed far-reaching changes in society and companies. The Department of Information Systems and Information Technology analyses the advantages and application possibilities of information and communication technologies, and also develops and tests "proprietary" designs. The close contact with industry enables industry-relevant research and teaching in the areas of information management, data management, mobile business, E-Finance, and multilateral security. Research is conducted within the context of international projects, as well as at the E-Finance Lab (House of Finance), in collaboration with partners such as Accenture, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Börse Group, Deutsche Telekom, Giesecke & Devrient (G&D), Hewlett-Packard (HP), IBM, Microsoft, Nokia Solutions and Networks, Postbank, SAP, T-Mobile, T-Systems and others.
- Aktuelle Themen in Wertpapierhandel und -abwicklung
- Brokerage and Standards in Securities Trading
- Cloud Computing
- Einführung in die Texttechnologie I
- Einführung in die Texttechnologie II
- Informations- und Kommunikationssicherheit: Infrastrukturen, Technologien und Geschäftsmodelle
- Informationssysteme für das Management
- Information Systems and Digital Strategy
- Intelligente Methoden in der Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Management betrieblicher Prozesse
- Mobile Business I - Technology, Markets, Platforms, and Business Models
- Mobile Business II - Application Design, Applications, Infrastructures, and Security
- Netzwerkanalyse 2
- Privacy vs. Data: Business Models in the Digital, Mobile Economy
- Prozess- und Supply Chain Management
- Research in Information Systems Engineering
- Trading and Electronic Financial Markets
- Wirtschaftsinformatik
* Not legally binding. You can find an overview of actually offered modules in the online course catalogue.
About the Department
With four chairs and two junior professorships, the Department of Marketing is the largest of its kind in Germany. The Department wants to help meet the ever-growing corporate demand for highly qualified marketing managers and market researchers, who have to take sound marketing decisions based on extensive data. Research and teaching focus on measuring the impact of marketing decisions, with the aim of determining the return on marketing investment.
The Department has research collaborations with numerous internationally renowned universities, including Stanford University, Penn State, Ohio State University, the University of Alberta, as well as Erasmus University of Rotterdam, the universities of Groningen and KU Leuven and the IESE Business School in Spain. There is also collaboration with corporate partners, such as Accenture, BearingPoint, Deutsche Bank, IBM, Microsoft, Postbank, SAP, Siemens and T-Systems.
- Analytics in Customer Value Management
- Analytics in Online Marketing
- Applied Marketing Research Methods
- Consumer Insights
- Consumer Satisfaction and Consumer Choice
- Chief Marketing Officer's
- Innovationmanagement
- Return on Marketing
- Strategic Brand Analytics
- Strategic Market Management
- Strategic Sales and Account Management
* Not legally binding. You can find an overview of actually offered modules in the online course catalogue.
Course Catalogue
The online course overview displays all modules taught in the respective semester.
You can find the course catalogue and the examination regulations in the download section.