
The prime aim of the various organizations for alumnae and alumni associated with the Faculty of Economics and Business and with Goethe University Frankfurt is to foster professional and personal exchange between students and representatives of the business community. To do this, they offer programs and events to support students beyond the provision of information. This opens up a wide range of opportunities to become an active part of an international network of science and business.

The Frankfurter Wirtschafts­wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft is an organization for alumni and alumnae of all subjects at the faculty.
The Department of Finance has established its own network of alumnae and alumni in the shape of the Goethe Finance Association.
Goethe Money and Macro Association is the association of alumnae and alumni of the faculty’s Department of Money and Macroeconomics.
Over 130,000 former members are already part of Goethe Alumni, the cross-faculty network of Goethe University Frankfurt.