Welcome to our research website!

On these pages, we would like to give you a compact overview of our objectives, the structure of the research landscape at our faculty and our most outstanding research results. In addition to our publication database, you will also find information on career entry and news of current events.

Objectives and Mission Statement

Tradition, research performance and impact

Rich in tradition, the Faculty of Economics and Business at Goethe University Frankfurt is one of the largest and most research-intensive in Germany.


Green light for the research project…

Research on explainable AI wins Best Paper…

Sasan Mansouri gewinnt…

Symposium: Niemals ohne Mathematik und…

Call for Submissions: Sturm & Drang Prize…

KI und Mitarbeitende im Tandem: Folgen der…

Careers in Research

Wide variety of entry points and career opportunities

Would you like to pursue doctoral studies and/or a career in research and teaching? Find out here about the many options, career paths and prospects.

Doctoral studies at the faculty
Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management
Goethe Research Academy for Early Career Researchers
Newsletter for Early Career Researchers
Jobs Academic Career
Institutions and Facilities

Excellent clusters and infrastructure

The faculty profits from numerous established partnerships with renowned institutions (universities, institutes, etc.) and a modern research infrastructure in Frankfurt am Main, continental Europe’s most important financial hub.

Research Contribution

Top-class research, recognized expertise

The faculty’s researchers publish regularly in scientific / selected journals. As acknowledged experts, they also often appear in the press and other media.

Benjamin Clapham et al.

Non-Standard Errors

Anika Stuppy et al.

The Art of Slowness: Slow Motion Enhances…

Maik Schmeling et al.

What Moves Markets?

Marc Fischer et al.

Accessing the Untapped Brand Leverage…

Roman Inderst et al.

Sustainable Finance versus Environmental…

Marc Kaufmann et al.

Understanding Markets with Socially…