Deadlines & Registrations
On this page you will find information on important deadlines, admission to examinations and the necessary registrations.
After enrolment at the university, students must submit an application for admission to the Bachelor's, Master's or subsidiary subject's examination by e-mail to the Examination Office once before their first examination registration.
The application form for admission to Bachelor's, Master's or Subsidiary Subjects's Examination you can find in the respective downloads section.
Important! Registration and participation in examinations is not possible without admission! Besides, the application for admission does not replace registration for examinations! You must register for each examination each semester within the respective registration deadlines, usually via the QIS examination administration.
You must register for examinations each semester within the applicable deadlines, usually via the QIS portal. Please check the information for each course in which you want to take an exam in the LSF course catalogue under the headings "Dates/Times/Location Group" & "Comments" (course organization and realization), "Certificates" (examination form) and "Prerequisites" (registration and deregistration deadline). In some cases, different deadlines and registration procedures apply.
Different deadlines and registration procedures apply - depending on the form of examination and any participant limitation. Joining course platforms such as OLAT does not replace exam registration.
For retake examinations of Master's electives from previous semesters, for which there are no courses offered in the current semester, there is no record in the LSF course catalogue. For these retake exams, please note the respective information on the examination form and the registration and withdrawal deadlines in the exam timetable.
Attention! Before you register for your first exam, you have to apply for admission to the Bachelor's examination or the Master's examination at the Examination Office once at the beginning of your studies. The application form admission is available at the downloads. Before that, you are not activated for the QIS examination administration.
On the QIS portal, you can register for and deregister from examinations within the applicable deadlines. Please follow this instruction for registering for and deregistering from examinations via QIS.
Login / password / iTan list Goethe University students automatically receive an HRZ account with iTan information after enrolment. If you do not have this information, please contact the IT support of the University Computer Center.
In case of problems with QIS/LSF, please contact us immediately by e-mail pruefungsamt[at]wiwi.uni-frankfurt[dot]de within the respective deadline with an attached screenshot of the error message. Please use meaningful subject lines and always state your matriculation number and the examinations concerned.
Important! To prove that you have successfully registered for or deregistered from examinations, please download the Info on registered Exams and the corresponding signature as a file. In case of doubt, these files will serve as proof of proper registration or deregistration.