Learning Aids
You are looking for opportunities for E-Learning at Goethe-University?
OLAT (Online Learning and Training) is the central e-learning platform of the Goethe University. Here you will find instructions and further information:
BSCW (Basic Support for Cooperative Work) is a shared workspace system that simplifies collaborative work and project coordination. Here you will find instructions and more information:
You are looking for support of your studies or would like to acquire academic competence?
Starker Start ins Studium offers you a variety of workshops and consulting opportunities.
The Global Office offers tips and tricks for studying at the Goethe University.
You would like to improve your methodological skills and extend their application?
The Methodenwoche of Starker Starts ins Studium offers you beyond the scope of your studies the opportunities to acquire new skills in methods or to improve these skills.
In Best Practice Presentations of FWWG you can acquire important soft skills as well as methodological skills regarding different topics.
You are interested in Learning Advise or Exam Coaching?
Have a look at the opportunities that numerous institutions at Goethe-University have to offer:
- Exam Coaching der Zentralen Studienberatung
- Exam and Doctorate Coaching at KHG
- Counseling in Academic Writing at Schreibzentrums
- Coaching in Scientific English des Zentrums Naturwissenschaften
- Workshops in Methods and Survay Design at Methodenzentrums Sozialwissenschaften
- Training of Special (Soft-)Skills at Psychotherapeutischen Beratungsstelle
- Exam Coaching of StudentTutors at Fachschaft WiWi
You would like to use a library service or are looking for a workplace?
The Bibliothek Recht und Wirtschaft (BRuW) at Campus Westend has extensive literature on all teaching and research areas in law and economics.
The Zentralbibliothek at Campus Bockenheim offers additional services such as group workplaces and interlibrary loans etc.
The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek aspires towards the collection of all publication in German language since 1913 and is the first choice to have a look at an exhausted publication.
Are you looking for a PC workstation or would you like to use the printing service?
At Campus Westend there are 11 PC-Pools where you can work, print or use special software.
See the location of all PC workstations here:
You need information about the different functions of your HRZ account?
Instructions for all functions and services of your HRZ account such as Goethe Card, student e-mail address or Campus WIFI are visible at the website of the Hochschulrechenzentrum (HRZ).
Have a look at:
Hochschulrechenzentrums (HRZ)